
Friday, August 31, 2012

Social Injustice


  1. Not to mention security issues, if you are teaching a class that involves a lab, having so many kids in your classroom with just one teacher mean more risks of accidents.

  2. Irene,

    We have the same problem in my classroom. I'm not sure how the front office comes up with the number of how many students may be in each classroom, because it seems like this is a problem in multiple classrooms. I believe that not having a desk to oneself can have an affect on the student's mentality in the classroom.


  3. I know how you feel. Just this past Monday they open 2 more classes for Spanish. It help but not for Spanish II. Most of Spanish I has anywhere between 38-49 students. It sucks that there is less time to have one-on-one and the fact that if we have to move around the room with so many students is hard to do so.

  4. It seems this is happening at a lot of schools. I am teaching a PE class, and our first class only has 18 students but our 6th period has 60 students. It makes it nearly impossible to reach every student when it is over crowded.

  5. Hey that's ridiculous! I can't imagine having a class with so many students in it. Luckily I only have 28 in my class. I think it makes everything ridiculously harder when you get into the 30s. My high school had that many kids in a class, it was easy to go unnoticed.

  6. This is something that we all have seen and are frustrated with. Class sizes that large are so detrimental to students learning and trying to cram them all in to the same room is definitely an injustice.
