
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Unit 2B- Spanish I

UNIT TOPIC:  Tu sala de clases

1. UNIT CONTEXT       

Subject/Content Area- Spanish 1


Grade Level- freshmen and sophomores, 1 junior

Length of Unit: 5 days, 5 class periods, 90 minutes per period  



Whole Class Information

·         Number of students in class- 31 students in the class
·         Demographic Information: This class is composed by mostly white students, there is a student of Korean decent and a student of Chinese decent.  There are no gifted students.
·         Developmental Needs: Many students have already taken Spanish 1 in middle school.  Some students have a good understanding of the information that is presented.  They enjoy working in groups and having discussions.  They like to move around, especially since the classes are always 90 minutes long.  They need tend to get off task after a while so it is important to keep the activities going.  Many students have classes with each other and they get along well. 


Individual Student Information and Differentiation Strategies:

M.B. is a 16-year old 11th grader.  He has an IEP and had low tests score in reading and writing.  He enjoys math and tests better in that subject.  Miguel is reserved and shy.  He likes his Spanish class and enjoys working with other students.  He prefers to work in smaller groups.  Miguel has difficulty with reading and writing so much of the time, he is assessed on his speaking skills.  He understands many of the concepts in class but is having difficulty keeping up with the new material that involves more writing.  Miguel likes to hang out with friends and build model boats.  Miguel has ADHD and gets distracted if any one particular activity is too long or not engaging for him.  Miguel will be assessed on his speaking.  He will be monitored on his writing but will have handouts as extra support for his writing.

T.C. is a 15-year-old 10th grader.  She was born in the United States and lives with her family.  Both of her parents only have a middle school education.  She is basic on reading and writing.  She is shy and quiet.  Teresa is proficient orally but is not literate in Spanish.  She participates in class discussions when she is called on.  She likes working in small groups and gets along well with others.  Teresa will be assessed on her speaking since the class is composed of English speakers, she will have a chance to talk to them in English. 

Elena is a 15-year-old 10th grader.  She is from Mexico and both of her parents are professionals.  Her extended family includes aunts, uncles, and cousins.  Her grandparents live in Mexico and she and her family visit them in the summer.  She has been in the United States for one and a half years.  She is literate in Spanish and often reads Spanish literature.  Her report cards from her school in Mexico indicate above average grades.  Elena is somewhat shy socially but is well liked and works well in small groups.  She is seldom absent from school.  The CELDT results indicate an overall score in the Early Intermediate range, and she has been identified as an English learner. (Listening and Speaking = 240, Early Intermediate level.  Reading = 121.25, Early Intermediate level. Writing = 120, Early Intermediate level.)  Elena will be monitored on her speaking abilities in English.

Alex is a 15-year-old boy in the 10th grade.  He had difficulty with the development of his early literacy skills, including the acquisition of sound/symbol relationships and word identification, demonstrated in both his reading and writing.  In the second grade, Alex was identified as a student with specific learning disabilities.  Since then, Alex has received special education support primarily in a resource room for language arts, while he is included in the general education curriculum.  He is able to independently read text at a 7th grade level and continues to struggle with decoding words.  Alex also has asthma for which he takes daily medication and occasionally needs to use an inhaler.  He is a self-isolating person who does not readily join into whole-class conversations or contribute to group learning situations.  His tendency is to sit alone at lunch and to be by himself during transitional time.  There is no in-class support for this student.  Alex will be encouraged to work in small groups and encouraged to speak since he avoids participating in class discussions.  Alex will have handouts to assist him with spelling.  He will be assessed on his mostly in understanding than in writing.

B. is a 14-year-old 9th grader.  She has taken Spanish I as an 8th grader and has no problem understanding the material.  She does very well in her classes.  She is liked by others and she is very social.  She is self-motivated and is a high achiever.  She likes to play sports and dance.  Brooke likes to be challenged and is repeating the class because her parents had her repeat it instead of her going to Spanish II.  Brooke will be asked to model her assignments to show other students what the teacher is asking for.  She wil also be encouraged to create sentences with new words in addition to the ones in the chapter.

2. Unit Rationale: Enduring Understandings & Essential Questions

This unit is important because students will identify object that are important in their everyday life.  Students will indicate where things are located.  In addition, they will talk about more than one object or person.  This is important because it is a foundation for students to be able to formulate new sentences and understand context of the Spanish language.


Enduring Understandings (EU)

Students will understand that formulating questions and answers have similar basics and that new vocabulary allows for more possible dialogs.  Students will understand that the new vocabulary expands their ability to create sentences.


Essential Questions

1.       How can I say some of the things that I use in everyday life?
2.      How can I use previous knowledge to create and answer more questions?
3.      How can I say where something is located?


Content Standards


1.1          Students address discrete elements of daily life, including: School, classroom, schedules, subjects, numbers, time

1.1          Engage in oral, written, or signed (ASL) conversations.


ELD Standards

Speaking and Listening: Cluster 5- Participate in and initiate more extended social conversations with peers and adults on unfamiliar topics by asking and answering questions and restating and soliciting information.


1.       After going over the new vocabulary in the book (condition) and discussion time, students will draw the items and name them in their Spanish term (verb).  Students use the correct article and correctly pronounce the name of the object (criteria). (Language, Spanish content 1.1)
2.      After going over homework (condition), students will use complete sentences to say what the item is (verb).  Students will be able to identify the item with the correct term (criteria).  (Language, Spanish communication 1.1)
3.      After listening to examples (condition) of location of items, students will answer (verb) if the items are where they are said to be (criteria).  (Language, Spanish communication 1.1)
4.      After reviewing the locations and the verb “estar” (condition), students will write sentences (verb) describing the location of the items addressed (criteria).  (Cognitive, Spanish communication 1.1)
5.      After going over questions and concerns (condition), students will take the exam (verb) where they will demonstrate their knowledge of the information and new vocabulary to form sentences and answer questions (criteria). (Cognitive, Spanish content 1.1)


Unit Calendar: Tu sala de clases

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Content Standards
1.1  Students address discrete elements of daily life, including: School, classroom, schedules, subjects, numbers, time

ELD:  Speaking and Listening: Cluster 5- Participate in and initiate more extended social conversations with peers and adults on unfamiliar topics by asking and answering questions and restating and soliciting information.
1.1  Engage in oral, written, or signed (ASL) conversations.

ELD:  Speaking and Listening: Cluster 5- Participate in and initiate more extended social conversations with peers and adults on unfamiliar topics by asking and answering questions and restating and soliciting information.
1.1  Students address discrete elements of daily life, including: School, classroom, schedules, subjects, numbers, time

ELD:  Speaking and Listening: Cluster 5- Participate in and initiate more extended social conversations with peers and adults on unfamiliar topics by asking and answering questions and restating and soliciting information.
1.1  Students address discrete elements of daily life, including: School, classroom, schedules, subjects, numbers, time

ELD:  Speaking and Listening: Cluster 5- Participate in and initiate more extended social conversations with peers and adults on unfamiliar topics by asking and answering questions and restating and soliciting information.
1.1  Engage in oral, written, or signed (ASL) conversations.

ELD:  Speaking and Listening: Cluster 5- Participate in and initiate more extended social conversations with peers and adults on unfamiliar topics by asking and answering questions and restating and soliciting information.
Learning Objectives
After going over the new vocabulary in the book (condition) and discussion time, students will draw the items and name them in their Spanish term (verb).  Students use the correct article and correctly pronounce the name of the object (criteria). (Language, Spanish content 1.1)
After going over homework (condition), students will use complete sentences to say what the item is (verb).  Students will be able to identify the item with the correct term (criteria).  (Language, Spanish communication 1.1)
After listening to examples (condition) of location of items, students will answer (verb) if the items are where they are said to be (criteria).  (Language, Spanish communication 1.1)

After reviewing the locations and the verb “estar” (condition), students will write sentences (verb) describing the location of the items addressed (criteria).  (Cognitive, Spanish communication 1.1)
After going over questions and concerns (condition), students will take the exam (verb) where they will demonstrate their knowledge of the information and new vocabulary to form sentences and answer questions (criteria). (Cognitive, Spanish content 1.1)
Student Activity
Into: students will identify any of the term they know in regards to the chapter.

Through: Students will draw an example of a classroom.  They will label the different items on their drawing. 

Draw a table and identify where each prepositional phrase goes.

Beyond: students will work on homework practicing the new vocabulary.
Into: Students will look around the classroom and identify items using the vocabulary.

Through: write a 5-8 sentences about where different items are in the room.  They can use old terms in addition to the new terms from the chapter.

Closure: create sentences to practice using prepositional phrases.

Beyond: students will create a graphic organizer to help them remember the prepositional phrases

Into: Students will begin practice different ways of using the verb “estar”. 

Through: They will practice orally with both singular and plurals.

Closure: students will write out sentences using the verb “estar”

Beyond: students will continue to practice the verb “estar” in their homework.

Into: Students will write out sentences using the verb “estar”

Through: students will identify sentences as true or false.

Students will create a conversation with a partner asking and answering questions.

Beyond: students will finish correcting and revising their script.
Into: students will demonstrate their skit to the class.

Students will ask teacher any questions or for clarification.

Closure: students will take a test on the chapter.

Beyond: students will write a reflection on how they did on the chapter and what they could improve on for the next chapter.
Entry level: check for how much the students know of the new terms

Formative: teacher will observe how well students can place prepositional phrases in a sentence.

Summative: check for how well students can pronounce the terms and use the indefinite articles

Formative: teacher will check student’s sentences to check for understanding of the new concepts.  How well they can formulate their sentences.

Formative: students will take a quiz on the vocabulary and the prepositional phrases.
Formative: teacher will assess students’ writing.  Teacher will check for pronunciation during presentation and spelling on the script.

Summative: students will take a test to demonstrate their understanding of the chapter.


Single Subject Lesson Plan Format
1. TITLE OF THE LESSON- La sala de clases
Spanish 1- freshmen and sophomores, one junior

Some students have already taken Spanish 1 in middle school.  They get along well with each other and like to work in groups.  Students need practice in writing and spelling.

3A. STUDENT INFORMATION: English Language Learners
Elena- Early Intermediate
        1.) Readiness Level- Elena is advanced for Spanish 1.  She does well on the assignments but struggles with some of the task instructions in English.
        2.) Learning Profile- She is shy, so she does well in smaller groups.  She likes helping students understand the material.
        3.) Interest- she likes to spend time with her family and she likes school.

3B. STUDENT INFORMATION: Students w/ Special Needs
1.) Readiness Level- M.B. is doing well in the class. He makes minor mistakes especially in spelling.  He does well in class activities and in homework.  He struggles with test taking since he doesn’t have notes to guide him.
2.) Learning Profile- M.B. does well with group work.  He stays on task and likes to practice out loud.  He is very confident when it comes to class participation.
3.) Interest- M.B. likes to build model boats and participate in group activities.

     A. Enduring Understanding- students will identify the items in the Spanish class.

     B. Essential Questions- How will I be able to use these terms outside of class?  How can I tell someone about where other items are? How can I understand if someone tells me where something is?

     C. Reason for Instructional Strategies and Student Activities- students will create their own classroom and label the items in their drawing with the correct spelling and definite article.

1.1        Students address discrete elements of daily life, including: School, classroom, schedules, subjects, numbers, time
1.2          Engage in oral, written, or signed (ASL) conversations.
Speaking and Listening: Cluster 5- Participate in and initiate more extended social conversations with peers and adults on unfamiliar topics by asking and answering questions and restating and soliciting information.

Cognitive- students will use their knowledge of feminine and masculine words to properly label the terms with the correct definite article.

Language Development- students will practice new vocabulary by creating a poster and labeling the items.

A.  Diagnostic/ Entry Level- teacher will go around the class and ask students for the name for the object in Spanish.
B. Formative-Progress Monitoring- students will create poster with the items and label them with the correct name.
C.  Summative- students will write out 5 sentences using the vocabulary words and prepositional phrases, using proper spelling and order of words.


Progressive Monitoring- Elena will be asked to restate the instruction for the activities.  She will be asked to mention what the groups will be doing with their poster. Teacher will check for understanding by asking if she could restate what the meaning of “el reloj” is in English.
Elena will be able to practice her English as she helps out students in her group.  Elena will have the instructions restated so that she has a clear understanding of the class assignment.  Elena will receive a sheet with the terms and she will write down the meaning in English. 

Miguel will be given a list with the terms and asked to fill out with the word in English.  He will also be given a sheet filled out by the teacher in case he does not understand his copy or misses some words.  He will also be placed with students who are high achieving and can help Miguel with the concepts.
(Describe what the teacher does. Include differentiation strategies.)
       A. Anticipatory Set/Into- teacher will go around the classroom and ask for the name of certain objects.  ¿Qué es? Teacher points to flag and asks if anyone knows the name in Spanish. Teacher will ask students to confirm the term in English, including Elena.(15 mins)
       B. Instruction/Through- teacher will hand out vocab sheet and demonstrate powerpoint with the new vocabulary. Powerpoint will include a picture and the term. Teacher will ask students for term before giving the word.(15 mins)
C. Guided Practice/Through- teacher will ask students to create a poster with a drawing to illustrate the vocabulary.  Teacher will group students to draw out the classroom and name the items.  Teacher will ask students to write 5 sentences using each prepositional phrase and new vocabulary. (10mins)                                     
       D. Independent Practice/Through- teacher will monitor students making sure they are staying on task and using the proper terms to label the items. Teacher will assist students who need help creating their sentences.(30mins)
       E. Closure- teacher will ask students to answer where the items are located, using the new vocabulary and the terms of location.  “¿la bandera esta al lado del reloj?”  Teacher will check for understanding(10 mins)
       F. Beyond- teacher will assign practice workbook sheets that asks to identify and describe where the items are.(10 min)

(Describe what the students do. Include differentiation activities.)
       A. Anticipatory Set/Into- students answer what the objects are in Spanish.  Students, including Elena, will restate the name of the object in English. (15min)

B. Instruction/Through- students will fill out their vocab sheet as they see the powerpoint (15 mins)
       C. Guided Practice/Through- students will get into groups of 3 and discuss how they will do their illustrations(10 mins)

D. Independent Practice/Through-students will work in groups and draw out their classrooms.  They will write out their sentences as a group but each will hand in their own paper. (30mins)
       E. Closure- each student will write out where the items are on their own paper.  Students will check their answers. (10 mins)

F. Beyond- students will listen to the assignment to be completed. (10mins)
Powerpoint- ,
Vocab sheet, practice workbook- pages 40,41,42, butcher paper and markers



8. REFLECTION           

I have not taught this unit yet.  I do anticipate students to get confused with prepositional phrases.  I believe it will take lots of practice for students to remember the different terms.  In addition, we will be start to conjugate verbs.  We will begin with “estar” and I think they will have to practice the material.  We may have to start slowing down because this is where students will understand at different paces.  So far many phrases and terms have been easier but conjugating will be a difficult concept, especially since it is not something they usually think about with English.


·         Highlight the criteria on the unit plan rubric that you believe best describes your unit plan.
·         Turn in your highlighted scoring guide as an attachment to your unit plan.
·         If you did this unit plan with a partner, you should each score yourselves individually. You should also include at the bottom of the scoring guide an evaluation of how you and your partner worked together.

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